Tuesday, September 1, 2009


i have some issues with the following:

effective january 1, 2009, the wireless communications device law made it an infraction to write, send and READ texts while driving. california vehicle code sections 23123 and 23124 restrict cell phone usage to hands-free devices only and prohibit all drivers under 18 from using a cell phone at all while driving.
newsflash: 90% of the time, hands-free devices make you look like an anti-social dumbass ..unless, of course, you are david beckham, in which case you can wear whatever the f you want.

smart ones brand frozen breakfast sandwiches, regardless of their admittedly spongey "egg" layer, are my breakfast-on-the-run choice of late. i am fascinated by frozen breakfast food in general and i'm not sure why these have grown on me so much. strangely, these sandwiches are 210 calories whether you choose with or without canadian bacon - this makes no logical sense, unless the canadian bacon is 0 calories (unlikely!). anyway, my main issue with these sandwiches is that they come out of the microwave RAGING hot. the whole point of a 2 min microwave breakfast is SPEED, is it not? but as soon as it's done heating, it's so hot that i always end up scarfing it in about 1.5 min and then wishing i had just waited.

issue #1 + issue #2
on my way to work this morning, i got pulled over by a cop for talking on my cell phone. i was not talking on my cell phone, but, in fact, was scarfing down the above-mentioned insanely hot breakfast sandwich. he saw me putting a cell phone to my ear when i was actually putting a sandwich to my mouth -_-
by the time i explained myself, he was probably grossed out by the smell of ham radiating out my car window and ended up not giving me a ticket. i am now more paranoid than ever about using my phone in the car yet i will continue to scarf my breakfast sandwiches at all costs.

red sesame, my current favorite work-lunch place is closed :( :( :( nooooooo!!!!
where am i supposed to get my thai basil brown rice and vietnamese iced coffees now???

1 comment:

Jon Hom said...

this post made me lol